Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Musings from Plymouth

Apropos of Nothing:

1. I'm really glad Obama is closing Gitmo. What a black eye on the face of the US it has turned out to be.

2. There are three dogs on Freecycle this week. People who can't afford to keep them. That's really sad.

3. I wish the Sox would just sign Varitek and get it over with.

4. I really hate Dallas. Spent all of last week there and cannot imagine how anyone could live there without going nuts.

5. I really love Long Beach California. I only got to spend about 4 hours there last week, but it's such a beautiful place.

6. I'm going to Buffalo this week. I'm thinking it will land more in the Dallas column than the Long Beach column.

7. One of my clients went to the inaguration with her mom, who was there for the March on Washington with Dr. King. Wow.

That is all

Friday, January 16, 2009

My Ride

I know Dooce put this on her blog, but it made me laugh 'til I nearly peed myself. So I thought I would share it here, too.

I love the look on the lab's face. She's like "whatever...."