Wednesday, August 11, 2010

What this was, where it's going

Hi. I know. 6 months. I suck. Life got in the way of writing. Whew, go that out of my system.

This blog was originally started to give me an outlet to talk about two things I really, really love: being a mom and traveling. So without further ado, I go back to my roots.

The husband, spawn and I recently took a trip to the Land of the Mouse (aka Disney World). Please bear in mind that in the last 15 years, I have made 40+ trips to the lovely Lake Buena Vista area. While I concede that Disney World is the a fun place with lots of things to do, if I never go there again, it will be okay. Of course, I'm going back in October and May of next year....

We did do some new things this time around, because the kids are older and Tenley has officially has overcome her fear of.... well, everything. We rode Everest at the Animal Kingdom (otherwise known as the Yeti ride at our house) and Test Track at Epcot. Both were great fun.

There are many sites out there that give great advice - way better than I can - the one thing I will tell you is this: Do not go to Disney World in June, July or August. Everyone there is hot, sweaty and grouchy.

No clever repartee in this one... but next time, Atlantis. Lots of clever things to say about that - as well as some great advice, too. :)