Friday, October 26, 2007

House Queer

I have worked from home for just over three years now. Many think that this is a great "perk" to my job. While I do enjoy a commute that even Al Gore would approve of, and the ability to go weeks without shaving my legs or wearing makeup (sorry, honey!), there are a great many things that are not so good about working from home.

Aforementioned hairy legs notwithstanding, it's easy to let your personal hygiene lapse when you work from home. Yes, I shower every day, but a clean shirt? Nah. Yesterday's waffleweave sweatshirt with yesterday's tomato soup splashed on the collar is FINE.

Work is always right THERE. "Just another 5 minutes on email...." or "Can't sleep, may as well work" have become the all-too-often heard mumblings from me...

There is a distinct perception among your office-bound colleagues that your day is spent watching Oprah and eating bon-bons. Or watching porn with a six-pack of PBR.... either way, a glamorous, relaxing life is presumed.

You don't enjoy the natural rhythms of an office - knowing that it must be noon if the office is clearing out for lunch. Knowing that it must be Friday since everyone is talking about last night's episode of The Office or knowing that it's time to quit working because everyone is gone....

But the worst part of working from home is the alone time. As a full-time mom, full-time wife and full-time employee, "Me" time is hard to come by. So working from home, ALONE, would be perfect, right? One would think.... until things start getting weird. Like when I'm sure I know what the dog is thinking. When I know the comings and goings of all of my neighbors and when getting the mail is the biggest chore of the day, then I know I'm HouseQueer.