Monday, November 3, 2008

One Day More!

So here we are. November 3. 11th Hour. As someone who seriously enjoys politics, and typically can't get enough of this stuff, even I'm done.

I did go digging around this morning about something that had piqued my curiosity. I heard that in Alaska, each citizen (man, woman and child) gets a stipend every year from the oil companies. This money, paid via taxes and tariffs of the companies that remove natural resources from the ground in Alaska (i.e., oil) is distributed via the Alaska State Government. There is no State income tax there, nor is there a state sales tax. It's is believed here that Alaskans own the natural resources of Alaska.

I think this is a great idea! No, I'm not being sarcastic. I seriously think that this REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH, that comes from the COLLECTIVE RESOURCE POOL of the citizen's resources is, frankly, a beautiful thing.

But let's call it what it is: Socialism. Redistribution of wealth.

Apparently, Alaska's governor agrees with me. Read the whole article, but savor the last paragraph: New Yorker Magazine: Like, Socialism.

Whatever you do tomorrow, please vote. If you don't, you will have no right to complain about what happens after tomorrow.